North Star camp

The Phoenix Journey

Your mentors


Leo Rutherford

Organisation links
Location address: Heathfield, TN21 9HJ
Chosen age group:

Ages: 18+ years

Available tickets:
Gifting ticket £275Standard camp ticket £225Full camp concession £195 +2 more
Next date: Friday 6th Dec,
A summary
Renew your creative path, with guest facilitator. Phil Greenwood has been leading this very popular camp for a number of years now, it is an opportunity for you to check in with what 'lights you up', to find a guiding star to aim towards. Leo Rutherford will be joining the camp for Saturday, bringing his wisdom and deep experience to the conversation as we explore archetypes. This 'drop-in' weekend comes under the umbrella of The Phoenix Journey, a year-long course facilitating deep personal growth. Saturday can be booked as a stand-alone option. The venue is our land at Sacred Earth, where we have 40 acres of beautiful woodland, lakes and meadows. Indoor accommodation and gathering place will be used as more comfortable this time of year. Delicious, nutritious food will be provided throughout. The full Phoenix Journey is a unique, year-long quest; blending shamanic practitioner training, nature-based mentoring and cultural regeneration. It is designed to support you to find your own sense of place, purpose and belonging. Please also get in touch if you would like to join the waiting list for our next year-long quest. Some of the things you would gain, experience and learn over the course of a year: - Powerful shamanic practices and processing. - Advanced nature connection practices. - Deep sensory awareness skills. - Cultural regeneration practices. - Advanced interspecies communication. - Direct experiential learning and practice. - Deep mentoring and facilitation skills - Supportive learning on connection modelling and cultural mentoring. - Life teachings from ancient wisdom traditions. - Practices that draw out your unique gifts and talents. - Focus and alignment towards your personal goals.
About your mentors
Nature educator & environmentalist
Hello, I'm Phil Greenwood. I am the founder of Sacred Earth. I'm a former Royal Marine Commando but have spent the last 20 years working with young people in outdoor education and taking adults on deep nature connection journeys. I'm an experienced group facilitator, mentor and naturalist. I have studied, practiced and taught advanced shamanic and connection practices from both the British Isles and other indigenous cultures around the world. I'm also part of the global 8 Shields nature mentoring movement. I strongly believe that people need nature based rites-of-passage programmes to help them find their place in the world. At Sacred Earth we aim to do just that. Our courses and programmes help people develop their social and emotional intelligence through a range of experiential learning programmes, which can be tailored to and delivered at a site of your choice. We encourage creativity, community, ingenuity and a deep connection with the natural world.
Leo Rutherford
Shamanic guide
Previously an engineer - C.Eng.M.I.Mech.E. After Mid-life Crisis - MA Holistic Psychology. Learned from shamans and incorporated what I learned into my therapy practice which transformed into shamanism. Now Practitioner of shamanism for 35 years
Learning aims
Aim 1
Build your self awareness
Aim 3
Become a catalyst for positive change in the world
Aim 5
Build a deeper connection with the world of spirit
Aim 2
Learn powerful facilitation tools
Aim 4
Rediscover your creativity
Pricing information
Ticket nameGifting ticket
Ticket nameStandard camp ticket
Ticket nameFull camp concession
InformationWe have limited concession places available please get in touch to discuss this option.
Ticket nameSaturday only
Ticket nameSaturday only concession
InformationWe have a few concession places available, please get in touch to discuss this option.
Where we'll be
Small private road opposite Cowden Hall Lane, Horebeech Lane, Heathfield, East Sussex, TN21 9HJ
Basic DBS
Risk Assessment
Public Liability Insurance
Safeguarding Training
First Aid Training
First Aid Kit

Please note

Please note, it is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the safety measures. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed here.

Cancellation Policy
I am not able to offer refunds in general but may be able to if there is good notice.

My experience consists of a leisure activity, on a specific date(s), and therefore the 14-day ‘cooling off period’ under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 does not apply.